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The First/1st House is the house of your identity and your appearance. Everything you find in this house, represents the personality traits that you cultivated and developed, on your own, due to your family, your surroundings and your upbringing.

A 1st house with a stellium (3 or more planets), would represent a person who had a lot of help and/or hinderances in learning who they were. Someone with no planets in their 1st house is defined by the their Ascendant sign, or the sign that leads off their Natal Chart.

The planets in your first, not only add to the nature of your Ascendant Sign, but they also add to your appearance. This means that your Ascendant and any planet you have in the first house work together, and at the same time they might seem to contradict each other. This is life and we are people–we are walking contradictions.

Planets in Your 1st House:

Sun in the 1st house: You are the entertainer. You need everyone to be happy, so that you can also be happy. Learn how to separate yourself from the cheerful person that you pretend to be on a daily basis.  You have a shadow side as well, and even though it’s not pretty, it’s still you. Take care of yourself, and make room for relationships. Learn how not to be selfish, by really understanding other people’s objections to your actions. Stay away from uppers and downers, and try to get enough sleep.

Appearance: Strong, more masculine features, vibrant eyes, big hair, smooth complexion, and nice angles in your face. Taller than average but also a little thicker due to an inherent strength.

Moon in the 1st house: You are an artist. You wear your emotions on your sleeve, and can suffer from extreme moodiness. As a child, your mother may have tended to your every bruise and heartbreak, and so you internalized that as having the only feelings that matter. You don’t fully understand the art of keeping emotions safe, and will put your own emotional needs above others to the point of hedonism. You also feel that you are very empathetic, even if you do not always respond in a nurturing way.  You will need to learn balance between everyone else’s needs and your own, otherwise it will be very difficult for you to be near the people that you love.

Appearance: Round and softer than average. More feminine features. Might carry a little extra weight, or “fluff” as my grandmother called it.

Mercury in the 1st house: You are a genius. You might be the smartest and most open-minded one in the room. You will always take the reigns and collect the knowledge, so that no one is responsible for holding you back. You have always had to be quick, to avoid embarrassment, and now you identify with your immaculate wit. You have a strong fear of being considered stupid, so you tend to talk up your knowledge on a subject, even if no one asked you.

Appearance: Very expressive eyes, and angular features. Lips are a focal point, with big teeth.

Venus in the 1st house: You are a charmer. You feel that it’s important to be beautiful and cordial, and so you tend to stay harmonious to stay loved, and stay beautiful to stay adored. You might spend hours on your appearance, but forget to love yourself for your faults and flaws. In some cases you might have been your family’s answers to their faults, and could suffer from a bit of narcissism, or believing that you are actually special and others are not. On the contrary, you could struggle with a very poor image of yourself and what you have to offer, putting everyone else before you.

Appearance: Beautiful, pleasant and charming features. Lower center of gravity, and possibly shorter limbs. Feminine presence. Fashionista.

Mars in the 1st house: You are a leader. Your family would have run over you, if you didn’t dominate them first, so you quickly learned to take charge. You were bullied, became a bully, and then finally, you became a leader. Just because someone doesn’t believe what you believe, doesn’t make them wrong or lazy. Try to listen to other people before you accidentally steamroll them into submission.

Appearance: Very rememberable features, with long eyebrow hair. Wispy hair or bald. Masculine Presence. Lack of style.

Jupiter in the 1st house: You are blessed. You felt ignored, so you learned to express yourself confidently, vibrantly and “larger” to be seen and respected by your family. Now you have cultivated inherent skills, which help you to appear very confident.  As an adult, Jupiter allows you to accomplish great feats, with little to no effort on your part. Remember that it is a false ideal that you hold yourself to, and it’s important to pay attention to the details, and live in the moment.

Appearance: Most features tend to be exaggerated–bigger nose or eyes. Exotic looking.

Saturn in the 1st house: You are strong. Your identity is missing, and you don’t really know how to find it. Notably this is found in charts of men with absent, abusive or jailed fathers–though both sexes can have this if they perceive a heavy mark of an absent or silent parent, or a parent that never allowed them to express themselves. Even adopted children who felt wrong about meeting their birth parents, might have the mark of Saturn, in their 1st. You are learning to find yourself through your own works and actions, never let an opportunity for growth pass you by. Let your motto be: I will find my true self and take risks in the process.

Appearance: Grey undertones in your skin that clash with bright colors. Tend towards muted and tried and true fashion.

Uranus in the 1st house: You are a rebel without a cause. You have found that humor and originality bring attention to you, but if you are not careful, it could be negative attention. Many with this placement struggle with insomnia and have minds that have no idea how to turn off. Learn how to find your inner peace, and don’t be afraid to sit in silence, or to take walks by yourself. Also, it’s okay to be normal. It can be hard to keep relationships, as significant others don’t like dealing with unpredictable personality shifts. Find people to fly with, that are willing to go as high as you are.

Appearance: Large forehead and smaller chin, very expressive face. Face may be uneven, or you might be excessively tall or large.

Neptune in the 1st house: You are an enigma.  Your parent’s guilt and sadness were projected on to you, as if you could save them, heal them, or hurt them even more. Marilyn Monroe is the poster girl for this–as an adult she became every man’s fantasy, and every woman’s idea of what they should be. It’s very difficult to nail yourself down with this placement, as it leaves a foggy, chameleon like identity that seems to only know what it is told. Make an effort to learn who you are, as others will use you as a mirror, and treat you the way they want to treat themselves.

Appearance: Ethereal quality, with a beauty that feels like it cannot be emulated, but at the same time you appear very relatable. Tend to dress and pick up the mannerisms of those around you.

Pluto in the 1st house: You are powerful. You might have felt lost as a child, and so you learned to control things and hide who you are. You are on a constant search for meaning and truth, but will fail to find it if you don’t allow yourself to transform, by letting go of all the control. Pluto represents a strong sexual pull as well–people with this placement exude sexuality, but also an abrupt dominance, so you might turn people off as quickly as you turn them on. Learn your own dynamism, and be proud of who you are and all the ways you’ve transformed in life.

Appearance: Have relatively dark features, and a dark way about you.  Also an innate ability to give the “look of death.”

Chiron in the 1st house: You are funny. You may have been severely bullied for who you were (by peers and even your own family), and have a constant fear of taking off the mask. As you mature and grow, you find yourself able to help people through the same pain that you went through. You don’t always do this in the same way: Sometimes you help others with the mask on, as it truly is your safety net, but other times you are able to help others by stripping away pretense, and just letting your guard down. Both ways are acceptable, and you may not know which part of you is the mask. But as you mature, the mask will also evolve, and it will shed itself–nothing you need to force. In some cases you will find fame for being the truest version of yourself.

Appearance: Tend to have an innocence about you, as well as puppy dog features. People will be drawn to you, as you appear kind and unassuming.

This has been Written and Reserved by Alyssa Sharpe, not to be used without permission.


1st House in Aries (Aries Rising)
You come across as someone who is independent, assertive, and has a positive attitude. At times, you may be overly aggressive or competitive, but you usually don’t mean any harm.

You like to throw yourself into projects and plans, enthusiastic about trying anything new. You have plenty of energy that needs to be used up or you get grumpy. Be as physically active as you can.

You can be a great leader as long as you keep your anger in check. People look to you almost instinctually to lead them, and it feels natural for you to pave the way and be a trailblazer.

​1st House in Taurus (Taurus Rising)
You come across as someone who is stable, reliable, and takes their time. You don’t want to be rushed, at least when you’re around others or in public. You need to indulge in your senses, and can seem like a sensual person.

You can stick to what you believe in, your decisions, and your ideas, no matter how much other people try to push you. You don’t seem like the kind of person that can be pushed into anything you don’t want.

You try to be practical, and people look to you to be the grounding influence when everything seems to be unstable.

1st House in Gemini (Gemini Rising)
You come across as someone who is intellectual, adaptable, and always up for some good conversation. You strike up conversations with anyone and everyone no matter where you are, and have knowledge that’s wide-ranging, but perhaps not too deep.

You need mental stimulation, and like to be around other people as a result. You’re likely always smiling, even when you don’t feel happy.

You can adapt more easily than others to different situations and people, but it can make you wishy-washy in public or with new people. People look to you to start the intellectual debate.

1st House in Cancer (Cancer Rising)
You come across as someone who is nurturing, sensitive, and shy. You can seem quite emotional publicly, but you try to keep your feelings to yourself. You interpret situations and get a sense of new people through your emotions.

You can pick up the emotions coursing through any situation, and can understand what people are feeling. This makes you seem like you’re psychic, and you should listen to your instincts because they process what you may not see with your eyes.

People look to you to be the comforter, the nurturer, the protective one, the mother. You take care of those around you, and are seen as the mother hen.

1st House in Leo (Leo Rising)
You come across as someone who is friendly, positive, and strong. You love to be around people, and can be the life of the party. You need attention, affection, and praise, so you need people around you.

You have a strong personality, so people may be drawn to you without you trying. You seem like a fun person, full of jokes and laughs, and you have a kind heart, or are at least generous in public.

Leo rules royalty, and you can seem like you’re someone who should be at the helm and treated with dignity. People look to you to bring in the drama and make everything more fun.

1st House in Virgo (Virgo Rising)
You come across as someone who is practical, logical, and analytical. You have a keen eye for the details, and none will escape you. You can see the details in every situation, though the big picture can be hard for you to grasp.

You’re the one who takes detailed notes and lists and tries to stay organized. People look to you to keep everything in order and bring some structure and routine.

You may seem a little nervous publicly, unsure of yourself, and need to stay busy. You can work yourself ragged, and will do the work that no one else wants to do, though you may prefer working on your own.

1st House in Libra (Libra Rising)
You come across as someone who is graceful, mediating, and sociable. You may get along with everyone that you meet because you know how to carry yourself well in public, and know what to say and do to not offend anyone.

You have an easy time compromising with others, getting people to find middle ground, and people look to you to bring everyone to the table and find a solution that works for all.

You try to be balanced, at least publicly, and might feel out of control when you’re in an environment that lacks harmony or order.

1st House in Scorpio (Scorpio Rising)
You come across as someone who is powerful, magnetic, and a mystery. You can keep a lot to yourself, not wanting to reveal all in public, and this draws people to you.

You tend to have an intense stare or a brooding expression on your face all of the time, and people wonder what’s going on behind those deep eyes. Some may find your intensity to be overwhelming, and you can be somewhat intimidating at times.

In most situations, you won’t back down no matter what, and people look to you to be the rock, to take control, and to get through anything. While you are emotional, you know how to control yourself.

1st House in Sagittarius (Sagittarius Rising)
You come across as someone who is fun-loving, optimistic, and always on the go. You want to have a good time, are a great conversationalist, and are full of stories that you tell in a grand, entertaining way, making you an excellent storyteller.

You want to experience the world and everything in it, and it can be hard for you to stay still. This can make you try a lot of things that might not be wise, but you can be so lucky that everything works out in the end anyway.

People look to you to show them the bright side of the situation, and to be honest with them.

1st House in Capricorn (Capricorn Rising)
You come across as someone who is responsible, ambitious, and disciplined. You seem serious and mature, and you can take your time when you’re working hard at achieving something.

You have goals, but you don’t rush them. You have enormous self-discipline, especially in public. People look to you to point out the big picture, the long view, because you understand how one thing leads to another more easily than others.

You may be emotionally distant in public, but you can also seem a bit shy or insecure. You carry yourself well in public, and seem more traditional.

1st House in Aquarius (Aquarius Rising)
You come across as someone who is innovative, original, and unconventional. You can think of things that no one else can, and seem like such an inventive person. You’re an excellent problem solver as a result, coming up with solutions that seem so strange but work well.

You drag people into the future, always looking toward the future, and make people think about how things need to be changed. People look to you to show them what the future holds.

You may seem like a rebel, and you want to be able to be yourself, no matter how different that may be from everyone else.

1st House in Pisces (Pisces Rising)
You come across as someone who is compassionate, shy, and a dreamer. You can get lost in daydreams and fantasy easily, and you seem like your head is always in the clouds.

At times, it may be difficult for you to understand people clearly, or to be understood clearly, and you can follow what other people say too easily. You need to become more sure of yourself, and know yourself better so you’re not following anyone else.

You can be extremely creative and artistic, a visionary to some, and can express yourself emotionally through art. People look to you to be empathic and sensitive.

This has been Written and Reserved by Alyssa Sharpe, not to be used without permission.